Hepatitis B Causes Most Liver Cancer Deaths in China

— Christine M. Kukka, Project Manager, HBV Advocate

Researchers writing in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, examined the five leading causes of preventable liver cancer in China and found hepatitis B leads the list, causing 66% of liver cancer deaths in men and 58% in women.

Their data, pulled from the 3rd National Death Causes Survey of 2005, found hepatitis B caused most liver cancer deaths, followed by:
Overall, 86% of liver cancer deaths were attributable to these five factors. “Our findings provide useful data for developing guidelines for liver cancer prevention and control in China and other developing countries,” researchers wrote.

Source: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24460283

HBV Journal Review: February 1, 2014, Vol 11, no 2

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